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Pragma Consulting Group and Alyona Shulima have been recognized by ULF the established practices in "Energy & Natural Resources Practice

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We are deeply grateful for the recognition of Pragma Consulting Group in the latest edition of the Ukrainian Law Firms...

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Our news

Natural Resources and Mining in 2023: Implementation of Adopted Reforms and New Challenges

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A new overview, prepared by Alyona Shulima and Olena Yaliieva for a Handbook for Foreign Clients “Ukrainian Law Firms”.

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Our news

Alyona Shulima has participated in a series of events on the new climate policy held in Kyiv this June

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Alyona Shulima, Pragma’s Partner, Ph.D., has participated in a series of events on the new climate policy held in Kyiv this June...

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Our news

Alyona Shulima initiated the first GR Forum of the Ukrainian Bar Association.

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Alyona Shulima, Pragma’s Partner, Ph.D., the Head of the GR Committee of the Ukrainian Bar Association, initiated...

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Alyona Shulima and Olena Yaliieva visited the Europe Day Evening Reception

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Alyona Shulima, Pragma’s Partner, Ph.D. and Olena Yaliieva, Pragma’s Counsel visited the Europe Day Evening Reception..

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Our news

Alyona Shulima participated in a meeting of committee heads of the Ukrainian Bar Association

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Alyona Shulima, Pragma’s Partner, Ph.D., the Head of the GR Committee of the Ukrainian Bar Association, participated in...

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Our news

Olena Yaliieva provided an expert assessment of the draft Law of Ukraine "On the Basic Principles of State Climate Policy"

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Pragma's counsel Olena Yaliieva provided an expert assessment during the second session “New Climate Policy of Ukraine”...

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Alyona Shulima moderated the first two sessions of the II Forum on Ecology and Sustainable Development

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Pragmaʼs partner, Ph.D., Alyona Shulima, moderated the first two sessions of the Forum: "Ukraine's 'Green' Transformation...

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Our news

Alyona Shulima took part in the International PRNext Forum

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Alyona Shulima, Pragma’s Partner, Ph.D., took part in a discussion on "Business and State: Establishing a Civilized Balance...

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Our news

Nataliia Hannytsia attended a business breakfast named "Business, Human Rights, and Accessibility"

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The Executive Director of Pragma Consulting Group, Nataliia Hannytsia attended a business breakfast named...

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Our news

Olena Yaliieva will take part in the second session of the II Forum on Ecology and Sustainable Development

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Councel of Pragma Olena Yaliieva will take part in the second session “New Climate Policy of Ukraine” II Forum on Ecology...

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Our news

Alyona Shulima will moderate the first session of the II Forum on Ecology and Sustainable Development

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Partner of Pragma, Ph.D., Alyona Shulima will moderate the first session “Green transformation of Ukraine in the conditions...

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Our news

Alyona Shulima participated in the webinar "Anticipated Changes in Packaging Waste Management"

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Alyona Shulima, Pragma’s partner, Ph.D., and an expert on the APENA 2 project, participated in the webinar "Anticipated...

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Our news

“Real growth can only be built on basis of freedom of choice” - Alyona Shulima in an interview

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Alyona Shulima, Pragma's partner, spoke with the Yurydychna Gazeta about new trends and insides in GR practice...

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Our news

The Pragma's team participated in the IV Forum "Gender Equality-Inequality: Rethinking and Seeking Balance"

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Alyona Shulima, Pragma's partner, also spoke in the second session of the Forum on the topic of "Personal Transformation...

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Our news

«Legal framework for lobbying: insights into recently adopted Law of Ukraine»

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Join the on Thursday, March 21, for a practical webinar «Legal framework for lobbying: insights into recently adopted...

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Simplification of the conditions for carrying out economic activity during the period of application of martial law (emergency state)

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the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 314 on March 18, 2022, which established the declarative...

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Draft Law on the Bases of State Climate Policy

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As a part of its efforts towards compliance with international obligations in climate sphere, Ukrainian government has...

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Administrative liability for violation of the Law of Ukraine "On Lobbying"

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Following the entry into force of the Law of Ukraine "On Lobbying" on March 14, 2024, the draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendment...

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Law of Ukraine "On Lobbying"

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On February 23, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine "On Lobbying". The law was signed by...

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A new procedure for importing, accounting, and distributing humanitarian aid

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On January 23, 2024, the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine Regarding the Import...

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Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On State Support of Investment Projects with Significant Investments in Ukraine"

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On August 9, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted draft law no. 8138 in the second reading and as a whole as a Law, aimed...

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Strengthening Authorities of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine

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On August 9, 2023 the Parliament of Ukraine adopted draft law no. 5431, significantly amending the legislation...

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Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Impact Assessment” were adopted

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On July 13 the Parliament adopted draft law no. 8410, amending the law of Ukraine “On Environmental Impact Assessment”...

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Consumer Rights’ Protection: New Rules in Line with EU Directives

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On June 10, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted the Law of Ukraine “On Consumer Rights’ Protection”, which, after being...

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Latest news in regulation in the field of subsoil use

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On March 28, the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the Improvement of...

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The new procedure for the reservation of conscripts

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On December 4, 2022, the Law of Ukraine "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization" regarding the reservation of conscripts for...

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New rules for selection of carrier for public bus lines

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On January 3, 2023 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved Resolution no. 27 “On Amendments to the Procedure...

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Current news in the transport sphere

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In recent months, a number of initiatives in the transport sphere were submitted to the Parliament; some of them were even...

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Comprehensive reform of the subsoil use regulation – draft law No. 4187 is ready for the second reading

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On June 1, 2021, the draft Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding the...

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Announced changes to the Law of Ukraine "On Environmental Impact Assessment"

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On August 26, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine published a draft...

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Industrial Parks: Recent Amendments in Regulation

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In 2012, in order to promote the development of industries in Ukraine (and especially in certain regions)...

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Ukraine’s Relief and Recovery Plan: what to be changed in the field of subsoil use

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At the end of April 2022, the National Council for the Recovery of Ukraine from the War began its work, the purpose of...

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Deregulation Plan: Passenger Carriages by Road Transport Regulation

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On June 16, 2022, the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine published a draft Plan for Support of Business and Deregulation...

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Planning Ukraine’s Post-War Recovery

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Although the situation on the frontline is difficult and the war is not over, both Ukrainian officials and European partners...

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Import of Goods under Martial Law

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With the beginning of the war and introduction of the martial law in Ukraine, import of goods became complicated...

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